Classical Chinese Medicine

The Five Virtues & The Five Organs Part 4: Wisdom & The Kidneys - Episode 5

Classical Chinese Medicine Society

In part 4 of this series Dr Bisong discusses the relationship between the Kidneys and the virtue of Wisdom.

Talking Points Include:

- The De Dao Jing says the superior virtue IS like water. In this case the Kidneys hold a special place amongst the virtues.

- When you don’t push or when you don’t try to do it, you are the biggest and the best doer.

- The importance of listening to your body and going with the flow.

- In principle looking soft means you are filled up with yang and like a growing tree will flow and flex in the wind. Looking hard means you are dry and just like a tree will snap under the pressure of the wind.

- Kidney essence nourishes the brain marrow. 

- Zhi & Hui is innate wisdom and acquired intelligence. Acquired intelligence is the intellect and innate wisdom comes from the much deeper silence within.

- These days societies emphasis is placed on how well people can talk and think, but this suppresses the Zhi or wisdom. The more people are thinking, the more their kidney essence is drained.

- The sage lives in the virtue of Zhi so therefore the big wise sage looks stupid.

- Knowledge is designed to serve the wisdom.

- The virtue of Zhi or wisdom is no competition, no fight, consistent willpower, selflessness and to shine the light from within to enter the Dao.

- The prosperous and healthy society is one built on heart, and one which uses wisdom and the willpower of the kidneys to manifest this harmony in society.

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