Classical Chinese Medicine

The Five Virtues & The Five Organs Part 5: Fidelity & The Spleen - Episode 5

Classical Chinese Medicine Society

In part 5 of this series Dr. Bisong discusses the relationship between the Spleen and the virtue of Fidelity.

Talking points include:

- The Spleen is responsible for transporting and transforming the nutrients we take in and sending it to the rest of the body.

- The Human Being is small, thinking we know everything. This stops us from trusting nature and separates us from ourselves.

- The I Jing illustrates a ‘yellow river map’ where the spleen is located in the centre of the yinyang. This is part of the universal design - If you have strong trust and a strong spleen, it will hold your centre stable and guide your direction in life.

- Trust is the basis of everything. At a certain point knowledge can not necessarily take you any further, and you have to let go and ‘trust’ in order to move into the deeper practise.

I hope you enjoyed this series on the Five Virtues & The Five Organs. Next week will be one final summary on how these virtues can be integrated and lived in daily life.

Trust on..

Love CCMS.


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