Classical Chinese Medicine

Sun Simiao: The Immortal Sun Part 2 - Episode 22

Welcome to the second part of the episode focusing on the famous Chinese Medicine doctor Sun Simiao.

NB: This episode is suitable for patients, practitioners and anyone who is interested in learning..

Talking points include:

  • Sun Simiao also created a framework of virtue for patients of Chinese Medicine. This was done to ensure that the ‘commoner’ living in ancient times could live a healthy happy life.

  • Sun Simiao invented the Happy Wanderer Formula Xiao Yao San.

  • The practices of medicine Sun Simiao started are still being used 1500 years later. This is a testament to how using the patterns of nature and the sun and the moon brings lasting change and creates holistic medicine.

  • Sun Simiao lived to the ripe old age of 141, “desires are needed, emotions are needed,.. just don’t overdo it”

  •  Among the 22 original practices he created, Sun Simiao included many specific habits which went into detail about when to bath and wash, and where to buy a house etc. All these habits can contribute to having a harmonious relationship between husband and wife and your partners.

Hope you enjoy listening to this episode.

With Love,



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